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We Stand with Israel


As we all struggle to come to terms with our current reality, we at Israel Properties just want to send out a message to all expressing our immense pride to be a part of this incredible Nation.

Senses are reeling, emotions are high, uncertainty, confusion, anxiety and fear abound.

Yet, we couldn't be more proud then we are to be here.

We wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

If this has taught us anything, it is that we have one home.

Israel is our home, it will always be our home, and for those who are here, or abroad, nothing can take that away from us

These are dark times, and our hearts ache for those who have lost loved ones, who have loved ones in danger, or waiting to be released and come home.

We daven, pray, and all do what we can to help, knowing all the while that it is not enough

Looking at all the light, achdut, chesed and outpouring of pure love and goodness coming from all jews around the world, we have to keep looking at that light, hold on to our faith and daven for good news, and soon

Sending all our brothers and sisters around the world love and good wishes

Stay Safe

Israel Properties



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