Who can plan for anything?
How are we supposed to be going about long term goal setting right now?
How long do we continue to sit back and wait for ‘things to settle’ before we continue with our goals?
This branches out to the same type of question of when should we buy?
When and where?
This article relates specifically to buying for investments
Where should we be investing right now?
Watching the ebb and flow of the tide of Property Purchases in Israel has always been fascinating, and at no time more riveting then right now. No country in the world can compare to ours – and I mean this is the broadest sense of the word, in so many ways and for so many diverse reasons. We have our ups and downs, and we are living right now in an unparalled ‘down’.
Nothing can stop this country from its continued spectacular growth and efforts to
For those who follow, and were watching Israel’s growth trends and intentions prior to October 7th, you would probably have read about the intended growth and Urban Renewal plans for the South - for the Negev as well as the GalileePlans for new residential neighborhoods in the Negev, in the Galilee and surrounds have been underway for so long, and projects had already begun before ‘that day’.
Now, in the midst of all this nightmare, where all of us share in the pain, agony, frustration and disbelief, we find a whole new level of purpose and intent around these proposed projects.
Now, people are calling us and asking where they can find a good investment in the South.
If you want to combine your smart business sense with your sentimental and emotional desire to contribute to the building and revival of Israel – we would like to speak with you.
We are in business, and we need to make money, but nowhere does it say that you can’t feel that what you are doing will actually contribute to the ultimate growth that these areas need.
We at Israel Properties could not be more passionate about our country and about this growth that is currently taking place.
We hand pick select projects that we really and truly believe to be good in various respects
A good investment for our clients
A good area that is going to succeed and prosper so that you can find good tenants
A good Kablan (you need to have confidence in the Developers who are undertaking these projects)
Reasonable prices
This particular project in Sderot is a really exciting opportunity
Contact us today to find out more
We are looking forward to working with you to own your own piece of our home.